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8 total results found


Energized Power

Welcome to the Energized Power wiki! This wiki is currently [WIP]. If you are new to the mod, checkout the Newbies page. If you are a player, you should use the Energized Power Book. It can be crafted by combining a book and a basic machine frame. Alternati...


Energized Power

Get started You should start by mining lots of nether quartz. Than you can smelt it to get silicon. Afterwards you should craft the Energized Power Book, it requires a basic machine frame and a book. Recipe Viewer For an optimal experience, you should insta...

Modder & Modpack Creators

Energized Power

If you are creating mods and want to interact with Energized Power, this page is for you! Everything including recipes, the energized power book, and other values (energy transfer rates, capacity, consumption and production rates/multipliers, recipe duration,...

Recipes and Data (v1)

Energized Power Custom recipes and Data

Due to the changes in Vanilla, recipe and other datapack files have a different set of fields in different MC versions: This is the page version for MC 1.20.4 and older. Recipes Recipes can be added via configuration files like any other recipe.Folder: data/...

Recipes and Data (v2)

Energized Power Custom recipes and Data

Due to the changes in Vanilla, recipe and other datapack files have a different set of fields in different MC versions: This is the page version for MC 1.20.5 to MC 1.21.1. Data Component Types Energized Power adds a few custom data component types. energiz...

Recipes and Data (v3)

Energized Power Custom recipes and Data

Due to the changes in Vanilla, recipe and other datapack files have a different set of fields in different MC versions: This is the page version for MC 1.21.2 and newer. Data Component Types Energized Power adds a few custom data component types. energizedp...

Fluids - How to setup Dirty Water processing

Energized Power Tutorials

For automatic Dirty Water processing you need to set fluid filters in a Fluid Tank. A Dirty Water Bucket is required to do so. Getting the first Dirty Water Bucket is currently a little tricky. You can do the following steps to get a Dirty Water Bucket and to ...

Tutorial World

Energized Power Tutorials

The current version of the Tutorial World is out of date. Almost all recipes where changed since, but the basic concepts do still apply. You can download the official Energized Power Tutorial here: CurseForge