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Modder & Modpack Creators

If you are creating mods and want to interact with Energized Power, this page is for you!

Everything including recipes, the energized power book, and other values (energy transfer rates, capacity, consumption and production rates/multipliers, recipe duration, or recipe duration multiplier) can be configured.

Configurations [v2.0.0 and newer]

  • All configuration files are located in the energizedpower directory inside the config directory of the game instance.

Recipes and Data

Due to the changes in Vanilla, recipe and other datapack files have a different set of fields in different MC versions:

Energized Power Book

Folder: assets/<name>/book_pages/chapters/<####_chapter_id>/<####_sub_chapter_id>/.../<####_page_id>.json

  • ####: Number for sorting chapters and pages (Last digit should be 0 to allow for insertion of up to 9 chapters/pages between 2 chapters/pages)